Contact Us

Reach Out to Us

As a social enterprise, Vita Fruere is an organization that employs a business model by selling goods and services to foster a life-changing and motivating spirit in children and teens. Feel free to take a tour of the website and purchase our products for you and your family & friends.

Vita Fruere

Our Gratitude

We thank you for taking an interest in our journey towards helping the community. We also request you to feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our products, your orders, or any other general inquiry.

We believe in spreading goodness in the community and value our customers who are a part of our journey.

Feel free to take a tour and have a closer look at the items we offer you.

Contact our team at Vita Fruere today to know more about the products and services we offer. We are here to help you make the best decision.

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