About Us

Inspiring Children for Leading Better Lives

Our brand was introduced to boost the morale of children and teens as they grow into adults, to achieve success and happiness. The brand focuses on an individual’s well-being. Our message will last a lifetime and can never be taken away. The product line acts as a symbol, a reminder to follow the message.

Vita Fruere
Vita Fruere

Emotional Distress

Over 25 percent of children encounter emotional distress, causing them to perform below their full potential (Anxiety and Depression Association of America). It is crucial to instill coping skills and good habits in children and teens from an early age.

The fear or experiences of rejection, failure, ridicule, and uncertainty can originate at home, on social media, in relationships, or school, sports, workplaces, or social gatherings.

Research shows that children and teens often suffer from emotional distress without the knowledge of their parents. As support is not always immediately available, it is important that children and teens independently manage the causes of their emotional distress.

The corona virus pandemic has increased the level of emotional distress among all ages due to growing uncertainties related to employment, savings, socializing, and travel. Coping with emotional distress is paramount for a happier life.

We Are a Social Enterprise

Our company is not a charitable organization. A social enterprise is an organization that employs a business model by selling goods and services to fund life-changing charitable activities. To expand outreach and ensure future growth, the company must generate income via a business model instead of donor contributions.

Our Fans & Supporters

  • Embody good-heartedness, empathy, and zeal
  • Believe in our messaging and mission
  • Support our brand and want others to support us as well
  • Use social media to request family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, teachers, coaches, bloggers among many to visit our website and spread the word

We appreciate your commitment and would like to know more about you, especially if it helped make you, or some you know, a better person. Stories should be honest, factual, and brief.

Please email us at [email protected]

We take this opportunity to express our respect and gratitude to those involved in all kinds of social work.

Vita Fruere